Downloading Every File on an FTP Server
Getting Started Before I go into the title of this article, I'm going to give an introduction to using Python to work with FTP sites. In our example, I will use (and extend upon) some of the code written in the yahoo_fin package. To work with FTP servers, we can use ftplib, which comes with the Python standard library, so you’ll probably already have it installed. In case you don’t, however, you can download it using pip: [code lang="python"] pip install ftplib [/code] To log into an FTP site, we first need to establish a connection. You can do this using the FTP method. Just replace ftp.nasdaqtrader.com with whatever FTP site you want to log into. [code lang="python"] '''Load the ftplib package ''' import ftplib '''Connect to FTP site''' ftp…