Why defining constants is important – a Python example
This post will walk through an example of why defining a known constant can save lots of computational time. How to find the key with the maximum value in a Python dictionary There's a few ways to go about getting the key associated with the max value in a Python dictionary. The two ways we'll show each involve using a list comprehension. First, let's set the scene by creating a dictionary with 100,000 key-value pairs. We'll just make the keys the integers between 0 and 99,999 and we'll use the random package to randomly assign values for each of these keys based off the uniform distribution between 0 and 100,000. [code lang="python"] import random import time vals = [random.uniform(0, 100000) for x in range(100000)] mapping = dict(zip(range(100000), vals)) [/code] Now,…