Guide to Fuzzy Matching with Python
This post is going to delve into the textdistance package in Python, which provides a large collection of algorithms to do fuzzy matching. The textdistance package Similar to the stringdist package in R, the textdistance package provides a collection of algorithms that can be used for fuzzy matching. To install textdistance using just the pure Python implementations of the algorithms, you can use pip like below: [code] pip install textdistance [/code] However, if you want to get the best possible speed out of the algorithms, you can tweak the pip install command like this: [code] pip install textdistance[extras] [/code] Once installed, we can import textdistance like below: [code lang="python"] import textdistance [/code] Levenshtein distance Levenshtein distance measures the minimum number of insertions, deletions, and substitutions required to change one string…