How to create PDF files with Python

How to create PDF files with Python

In a previous article we talked about several ways to read PDF files with Python. This post will cover two packages used to create PDF files with Python, including pdfkit and ReportLab. Create PDF files with Python and pdfkit pdfkit was the first library I learned for creating PDF files. A nice feature of pdfkit is that you can use it to create PDF files from URLs. To get started, you'll need to install it along with a utility called wkhtmltopdf. Use pip to install pdfkit from PyPI: [code] pip install pdfkit [/code] Once you're set up, you can start using pdfkit. In the example below, we download Wikipedia's main page as a PDF file. To get pdfkit working, you'll need to either add wkhtmltopdf to your PATH, or configure…
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Faster data exploration with DataExplorer

Faster data exploration with DataExplorer

Data exploration is an important part of the modeling process. It can also take up a fair amount of time. The awesome DataExplorer package in R aims to make this process easier. To get started with DataExplorer, you'll need to install it like below: [code lang="R"] install.packages("DataExplorer") [/code] Let's use DataExplorer to explore a dataset on diabetes. [code lang="R"] # load DataExplorer library(DataExplorer) # read in dataset diabetes_data <- read.csv("", header = FALSE) # fix column names names(diabetes_data) <- c("number_of_times_pregnant", "plasma_glucose_conc", "diastolic_bp", "triceps_skinfold_thickness", "two_hr_serum_insulin", "bmi", "diabetes_pedigree_function", "age", "label") # create report create_report(diabetes_data) [/code] Running the create_report line of code above will generate an HTML report file containing a collection of useful information about the data. This includes: Basic statistics, such as number of rows and columns, number of columns with…
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